Sunday, February 14, 2021

So, What Happened Here? Catchers in the 80s—Short-term Power

 By JT 

I always wondered why there were a handful of catches in the 1980s that had some power for a few years, then they tailed off, then they were out of MLB as players.

The players—Terry Kennedy, Bob Brenly, Ozzie Virgil, Jody Davis, and Matt Nokes (Darren Daulton in the 1990s followed the pattern a little). These were not players like Bench, Carter, Lance Parrish and others who sustained their power for a decade or more. But they showed good power for three, four, or maybe six or so seasons. Then, relatively soon, they were no longer players. Though some were into coaching and became managers. 

They all have a sideways Bell curve in their home run totals... little power them years with maybe 18-24 homers, then back to single digits. Then gone.

It was the pre-PED era, so I am not suggesting anything nefarious, it's just weird. 

Take a look—

From 1984-87 Ozzie Virgis average 20 homers and 61 RBIs and a .241 average with a high of 27 home runs. 

Geddy, in addition to missing a pitch he should have likely caught in Game 6 of the 1986 Series, average nearly 20 homers from 1984-86.

Kennedy played a lot longer bu in 1982 he hit 21 them kept his power a little longer than the others but that Cell curve is still there. 

Brenly another one who averaged just under 20 homers from 1985-87 then ghosted NLB as a player thought not as a coach or manager. 

Then there is Jody Davis, again averaged just under 20 dingers and outski. 

Nokes came in a little later, but the curse is still there—in 1989 he was injured and was on pace for maybe 15-18 home runs. 

If you know, tell me what happened. Would love to know—injuries? Age? Worn out?

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